Cybersecurity and AI Risk Management

As response robots are increasingly connected to a broader responder communications ecosystem, and also take on additional AI capabilities, so increases the need to manage the novel risks that result.

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently released the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk Management Framework, and in early 2024 will release the Cybersecurity Framework 2.0.

The NIST Public Safety Communications Research Division (PSCR) is leading a working group to leverage these resources to improve Cybersecurity and AI Risk Management in public safety, beginning with Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS).

Students will be introduced to the way in which risk is managed in public safety applications, and risk management considerations, particularly concerning Cybersecurity and AI, that should be addressed for their technologies to be responsibly and ethically deployed in future systems.

They will also have the opportunity to discuss with various stakeholders across the response robotics ecosystem to learn how to communicate their capabilities and the ways in which they can improve capabilities and, in the process, reduce risk in public safety operations.